How it all began...

Hi! I'm Katy and I work from my home studio in Hertfordshire designing and sewing homeware products. Katy Webster Homeware was born from a combination of my love of home interiors, and a desire to work creatively. After a long spell living overseas and raising children we returned to the UK in 2017 and I struggled to find any employers willing to even consider me for a job. It was dispiriting to say the least.

June 2019

I was shopping for a new table runner but couldn’t find any I liked online or in the shops. It struck me that it would be easy enough to buy fabric I liked and make one myself. There was just one problem... I didn't own a sewing machine and hadn't used one since my high school days! Beginner sewing machines are amazing value for money, but to justify the purchase I needed to make other items so I decided to try cushion making too. Over the next few months I got stuck into YouTube videos and caught the sewing bug!

My first few months on Etsy coincided with the beginning of the pandemic so I turned my hand to face masks and spent most of 2020 sewing and selling those. This enabled me to build my reputation and launch a full table runner range for Christmas 2020 before branching out into draught excluders (now my best selling product), fabric doorstops and much more.

I have since made well over 4,800 sales on Etsy and have received over 800 5 Star reviews. Despite this, each and every item is sewn as if it's my first. I'm a perfectionist and will reject anything I don't consider to be of excellent quality. 

Thanks for stopping by, this new website is the next chapter in the Katy Webster Homeware story! I hope you find something that catches your eye. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Katy x